Thursday, July 26, 2007

I am Peter PAN today!

who takes children to their dreams of island in the night while every creature in the world asleep, the island where they can do whatever they want, they can see the sun rising from the beach that belongs to no one but children. Their imagination is a tresure to be found. Their games are as real as life. They know what they will become when they start growing old so they only want to enjoy being children. Everyone knows there will be no time when they grow up. There will be no closets to hide in or a rope to jump over. So rather than sleeping like a lazy bear, they prefer to fly free like a little pigeon.


Once there was, once there wasn't, there was a little pigeon who was a very youngest of his four brothers. Because he was the little one and the cuttiest one, he was the favorite child of his dad as well.

His dady would teach him how the wing in the air, how to catch a earthworm. He was very happy with attention of his dad. Little pigeon always thought he would never leave his dad's side for a minute. Little pigeon knew whatever would happen to him, his dad would always protect him from bad things. In fact, he was the breavest one among his brothers. He never would show a leak of courage. If he would he was afraid that he would never be the favorite of his dad again.

One day, they were up in the sky flying over clouds and talking to his dad about how beautiful life was for him. They came to a very big field that seem a kind of deserted. Although he didn't want to show any fear to his dad, he got more closer and had the courage to ask where they were. He saw the fear in dad's eye actually that he hadn't seen before. He just couldn't help but wonder what his dad was afraid of.

Suddenly, there was something moving slightly in the forest, he didn't know what it was but saw his dad clapping faster and immediatly told him to do the same so. The faster they clapped their wings the more the forest seem bigger. At one moment, little pigeon saw something passed right next to him, then he saw his father falling down from air. He didn't know what to do, he just went after him, while trying not to cry, he couldn't help but think that his dad might be wounded.

When his little feet touched the ground he saw his father lying next to a little wildflower ready to bloom anytime. he didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say. All he could do was staring at his father. He knew this was something that he thought could never happen but it did. He thought things that he wanted to tell his father to be loved meant a lot to him. Being by his side was the greatest thing for him. Little pigeon got a little more closer to his father to see if he could move, but there was no sign of life.

He waited there like the world had stopped and he never wanted to fly away from his side. there was sun setting behind the clouds. All of a sudden, he started praying to the one he knew that saw everthing in the world, said he wanted his father to wake up again and fly away with him freely. There was no sign that the one could hear him either. Little pigeon waited there for a little while, cried a little bit, kissed his fater for the last time and started to clapp his wings. He knew he was gonna see his father again where there would be no fear of losing someone anymore.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Evet, bu kadar zamandir neler yaptin, nasil geciyor diyenlere kisaca bilgi vermek isterim. En yenisinden baslayayim. Gecen hafta erkeklerin deli gibi oynayip, yada oynamayi isteyip kizlarin korkarak uzak durdugu oyunu yaptik hep beraber.


Itiraf etmeliyim o nasil bir adrenalin. Uzerinize yagan boya kursunlarindan saklanip, atak yapmaya calismakla, 15 metreden suya atlamak ayni seydi sanki. Cok heyecanli bir o kadar da can yakiciydi. :(

Takim olarak hic bir strateji gelistirememe gercekgimize ragmen gunun sonunda hepimiz eglenmistik. Bir ara ayri takimlardaydik aslinda, ben buyuk bir gururla dusmekte olan kaleyi koruyan askerler arasinda. Mehmet ve Babur'de alcakca saldiran dusmanlar arasindaydilar.

Butun olay ates ederken, basparmaginiz yerine, hem basparmaginiz hem de orta parmaginizi kullanmaniz. O zaman kursun atma hiziniz artiyor ve karsidakine size atak yapma firsati vermiyorsunuz. Tek kotu sey, aldiginiz yaralarin kocaman morluklara donusmeleri tabi bir de vuruldugunuzdaki aci. Otesinde cok eglenceliydi yine yapica. Simdiye kadar yapmamis olanlara tavsiye ediyoruz. :))


Bir pazar gunu mehmet ozellikle bu adadaki festivalden bahsedip, mutlaka gitmemiz gerektigini soyledi. Ne olabilir ki diye dusundum cunku New York sokaklarinin hepsi festivallerle dolu butun yaz boyunca. Yaklasik bes yuz metrelik kuyrukta bir saat bekledikten sonra bizi adaya goturecek vapura bindik. Yedi dakikalik bir yolculuktan sonra Manhattan siluetinden azicik uzaklasmistik ki, adaya vardik. Birkac hafta once turizme acilmisti ada ve ondan oncesinde hicbir sivilin girmesine izin verilmiyordu.

Kendi hapisanesine bile sahip olan adaya devlet yetkilileri misafirlerini burada agirlayip, gizli gorusmelerini burada yapiyorlarmis harika bir Manhattan manzarasina dogru. Ciddi, sorumluluk sahibi amerikan diplomatlarinin kemiklerini sizlatircasina o haftasonu adaya New YOrk'un butun funky, punky and monkey insanlari dolusmustu, muthisti.

Cagdas sanat yapan sanatcilar eserlerini, yogacilar ciplak bedenlerini, muzisyenler enstrumanlarini kapip gelmislerdi. Bir acikhava saka yapiyorsun muzesi gibiydi. Eglendik, gezdik. Gulduk, dalga gectik ve geri donduk evimize.


Zannediyorum uc hafta onceydi. Sicak bir gundu. Ne yapalim ne edelim diye kararsiz kalmisken, biraz cicek bocek gorelim dedi mehmet. Bronx'daki botanik bahcesine gittik. Muthis bir sergi vardi. Karayip cicekleri ozel bir ortamda odececeginiz ekstra 15 dolarla gorebiliyordunuz.

Eternal Sunshine Of the Spotless Mind

Bu kelimelerin biraraya geldiginde cikardiklari anlam cok guzel.

Eloisa to Abelard


How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd;
Labour and rest, that equal periods keep;
"Obedient slumbers that can wake and weep;
"Desires compos'd, affections ever ev'n,
Tears that delight, and sighs that waft to Heav'n.
Grace shines around her with serenest beams,
And whisp'ring angels prompt her golden dreams.
For her th' unfading rose of Eden blooms,
And wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes,
For her the Spouse prepares the bridal ring,
For her white virgins hymeneals sing,
To sounds of heav'nly harps she dies away,
And melts in visions of eternal day.

Far other dreams my erring soul employ,
Far other raptures, of unholy joy:
When at the close of each sad, sorrowing day,
Fancy restores what vengeance snatch'd away,
Then conscience sleeps, and leaving nature free,
All my loose soul unbounded springs to thee.
Oh curs'd, dear horrors of all-conscious night!
How glowing guilt exalts the keen delight!


by Alexander Pope